Thursday, August 11, 2011

new badge and new challenge

You may have noticed I added a new badge on the left side of my blog. (You will have to go to the blog to be able to see the left side, the e-mail updates don't show it.) The Sketchbook Challenge...yes! I joined another group...haha! No I'm not crazy. The challenge doesn't really have deadlines and no pressure on your work, but I do sketch every now and then and I'm trying to improve on them. You can get more detailed information about it here,and you do not have to sign up for anything. So basically they have a theme every month for you and you can post your pictures on their Flickr group. This is something for me and the boys to share since I figured they are not very interested in sewing...haha! But I am still working on that.

The theme for August is Everyday Objects and the post includes a tutorial to get you started. Below is a video from the sketchbook challenge blog that will inspire you to draw, it did me and I have been introduced to an artist, Danny Gregory (along with another blog!). I love, love watercolors!!! Check it out!!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

working towards a wordless wednesday...

Happy Wednesday!

As I was browsing through the blog world I found this single picture with a single sentance that describes how I have been feeling lately...
"Sometimes I just want to start new – throw everything out of the house and re-decorate it."

photo from b for bonnie blog
xo Estela

Sunday, August 7, 2011

week of drawing and painting creatures

I have finished the first part of my summer online art camp and would like to share (show off, can't help it, I surprised myself) some of my art from the class I took this past week. I'm actually very proud of myself because I completed the work on time, learned alot and had more fun than I thought. I'm looking forward to next week's.

The classes are great and you can still sign up for the other two, Faces 101 and Junk Mail Artist Book. Carla posted tow videos for each day one for drawing and one for painting and warm up sheets to start the day. I really recommend taking one of her classes, I'm sure she will have more in the future and check her blog for inspiration. 

Here is the process of one of the paintings...
Finished piece.

The finished ones...they just created themselves I didn't plan what I ended up with.

Some of my drawings... 

I will take all kinds of comments because I pleasantly surprised myself (big grin on my face!).

Hope everyone had a great weekend and like I did got to spend time with their families.
