I added white pumpkin seeds last week "Casper" and this week I have sprouts! The package said I can harvest in 105 days...middle of October! Perfect timing for Halloween. The carrots don't seem to be coming through yet???? But I do have more seeds. You can see the grass it starting to go crazy in the background since I have not had a chance to pull it because of the holiday weekend (actually it has been since Wednesday...hmmm). I would like to tip my garden hat (-er soon to have garden hat, because I don't have one yet, but I will maybe it's more of salute until said hat can be purchased) to all those gardeners, this is hard work and I'm pretty much leaving my garden on it's own. After I worked in the garden I'm sore and achy. I'd also like to add that I consider myself pretty young, but my elderly retired neighbors do much more work than I do and they don't seem to get as tired as I do...haha!
With everything going so well there has to be bad news...I lost my squash plant, something killed it not sure if bugs or just mold, it was definately not animals. I need to add a picture in case anyone recognized the cause and can give me advice. This happened last year too and it was in a different part of the garden. I did get one squash!
The sunflowers are blooming like crazy and I noticed the birds are eatin up the seeds. I'll have to get out there and get some before they are all gone. Luckily are still more buds further down the stalks so I should get more.
I also wanted to add Ram's drawing of a blue jay...it looks great and the wing flaps...hehe! He used a picture from a bird book he borrowed from his granny to get the details.