Thursday, May 23, 2013

the boys first communion

I'm finally posting the pictures from the boy's first communion from May 4th, they are pretty happy! 
Two of their friends from TaeKwonDo attended the mass and their godmothers flew in from California. 

With Godmothers, everyone looks great! Notice boys are catching the girls in height!!!! WOW!

Father Joe from our church, he was available for pictures afterwards. Their banners turned out great as well. 

The only one missing is me, figures! Since I was taking the picture. L had been asleep through mass so she was not happy about taking pictures. 

Very proud of the boys, they looked very handsome.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This will be ongoing for this summer, top to bottom:
1. Teach Yourself Visually iMac by Guy Hart-Davis {gotta learn how to get around the computer}
2. The House at Riverton by Kate Morton {recommended since I enjoy watching Downton Abbey}
3. The Book of Doing by Allison Arden {book of creativity for the family}
4. The Dangerous Book for Boys by Gonn and Hal Iggulden {activities for the boys this summer, hey they have a section on girls...haha!}

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tornado in Moore, OK

I am very thankful for all the great friends I have in different parts of the country, you all are getting in touch with me by one media way or another to make sure we are okay. We are safe and the weather never made it to us. The tornado that struck Moore, a suburb of Oklahoma City and devastated the town Monday afternoon, is about 90 minutes Southwest of us. It is heartbreaking to see lives were lost especially the children. I'm sure everyone by now has seen the disaster on TV. If you would like to help, the Red Cross is one way to get help to the victims along with your prayers.
We are all safe and hugging each other.