Wednesday, September 8, 2010

sewing challenge day 6 & 7

Day 6
I made a trash bag cover...haha! They actually call it a waste basket cover. I got this Japanese book a while back, Linen Wool Cotton and have been dying to make I made this bag. I love how clean the white linen looks considering what is going inside it...trash!! It will be with the vacuum to pick up trash right before I clean. Our only trash can is in the kitchen and I tend to go back and forth so I get distracted and forget to finish cleaning. (I really do there is always something else I could be doing or helping the kids.)

It came along pretty quick too. Love it! I'm picking up trash everywhere...haha! Isn't it funny when you get something new how into it you are... My straps are just a couple inches shorter because I used this almost perfect scrap of fabric I had from the nap mat.

waste bag cover

craft book

waste basket cover

Day 7
One of my co-workers was having a "Monday" today and couldn't wait for the day to be over. I decided to make him a neck wrap, it's filled with rice so he can get some spa time either cold or hot...hehe! I hope he likes it. This took me about 30 minutes to make because it was so easy even filling it was easy. Sewing is therapeutic for me, as I have mentioned before it relaxes my jaw if you can imagine that, but it does...I'll have to ask Rog if I'm making faces...haha!
neck wrap

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