Thursday, March 11, 2010

girl's dress

I was perusing {love to use that word} Martha Stewart Living Magazine the March issue has an article , that just jumped out at me, what a creative idea! Turning a man's shirt into a dress for a little girl. The online instructions are very good. The article had other items to re-purpose into new things such as a stuffed bunny, pillows and bags. I can't wait to try it when L gets older. I had planned on getting rid of some of Rog's old clothes but I think I will hold on to them a little longer.

Rem when he wasn't feeling good last week. He is all better now, I can tell because he doesn't stop talking. He has plans for a trainer jet airplane that has an escape pod instead of an ejection seat for kids. Lately the boys have been into outer space. There favorite movie of the moment is Space Cowboys, which is actually a sad movie even though I believe it's a comedy. It's actually a really good movie except they leave someone behind. We had been watching {almost daily} Behind Enemy Lines, that was a bit gruesome {just a little bit} , but the boys didn't seem to notice they were into the airplane scenes.

Well Spring break is next week and I hope everyone gets to enjoy it!

Happy 5th Birthday Jaime!!!

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