I took pictures of Jaime's birthday gift that should arrive pretty soon, belated. {My sisters know that getting it in the same month is pretty good for me!} His birthday was the 11th of this month and thanks to several set-backs {stitches, taking it apart and sewing back together, the new stitching regulator (which is actually pretty cool once I got the hang of it), running out of fabric --changing my mind about one of the colors -- and not giving myself enough time} did not leave until yesterday. USPS should deliver in a couple of days. The flying geese pattern is new for me, learned quite a bit about triangles, they are easy and hard at the same time...haha! To get the corners perfect you have to be careful, mine are not. Don't look too close. This is my first machine quilted item. You can see the stars in the last two pictures. I had the boys hold it up and it was hard to get them to hold still there were several blurry pictures before I got a decent one. There was also another small gift that I forgot to take a picture of that will be a surprise. Lets just say it matches the quilt...hehe!